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Strategies to Attract Generation Z to Your Team

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

Young people born between 1997 and 2012, are rapidly joining the workforce. By 2025, nearly 25% of the job force will consist of Generation Z workers. As the youngest generation to enter the workforce, their values, beliefs, and expectations differ from previous generations.

Companies that want to attract and retain these workers must adapt more modern and relevant recruitment and retention strategies. They must invest in leadership, and management training, offer peer-to-peer mentorship programs, create a team atmosphere, provide real-time feedback. They must offer flexibility and work-life balance and create an inclusive work environment with a pipeline for advancement. Young people need to know that their position is a steppingstone to a greater opportunity with proper training and development.

Leadership Training

One of the key factors that Generation Z job seekers look for is leadership, teamwork and management training. According to a study by Workforce Institute, 42% of Generation Z job seekers are looking for leadership, teamwork, and management training. This generation wants to be part of an organization that values and invests in its employees. They want to be trained in leadership and management skills, and they want to work in a collaborative environment.

Companies that want to attract and retain Generation Z workers must invest in their leadership, teamwork, and management training. They can offer training programs, workshops, and coaching sessions that focus on developing leadership and teamwork skills. These programs should be designed to help employees develop the skills they need to manage teams effectively and work collaboratively with their colleagues. By investing in these training programs, companies can show Generation Z workers that they value their development and are committed to helping them succeed in their careers.

Mentorship Programs

More than 40% of Generation Z members said they want peer-to-peer mentorship programs. This generation values mentorship and guidance, and they believe that learning from their peers can be just as valuable as learning from their managers. Peer-to-peer mentorship programs allow Generation Z workers to learn from their colleagues who have more experience in the company or industry. It also provides them with an opportunity to build relationships with their peers and expand their professional networks.

Companies can create peer-to-peer mentorship progras by pairing up new hires with more experienced colleagues. They can also create mentorship groups or mentorship circles, where a group of employees can come together and share their experiences and knowledge. Companies that offer peer-to-peer mentorship programs can show Generation Z workers that they are committed to their development and that they value the knowledge and experience of their employees.

Team Culture

Generation Z workers want to be part of a team atmosphere, doing something together worthwhile. They want to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves, and they want to be part of a community. Companies that want to attract and retain Generation Z workers must create a team culture that promotes collaboration, communication, and teamwork.

One way to create a team atmosphere is by encouraging employees to work on projects and initiatives together. Companies can create cross-functional teams, where employees from different departments can work together on a project. They can also create social events and team-building activities that promote team bonding and collaboration. By creating a team atmosphere, companies can show Generation Z workers that they value collaboration and teamwork and are committed to creating a positive work environment.

Real-Time Feedback

Generation Z workers want their opinions to matter, and they want real-time feedback on how they are doing. This generation values feedback and wants to know how they can improve and grow in their careers. They also want to feel like their opinions are heard and that they can make a meaningful contribution to the company.

Real-time feedback can be offered by providing regular informal performance reviews, coaching sessions, and mentoring. They can also create feedback channels, such as suggestion boxes, surveys, or online forums, where employees can share their ideas and feedback with the company. By offering real-time feedback, companies can show Generation Z workers that they value their opinions and commit to helping them grow and succeed in their careers.

Technology can be great for providing real-time feedback. For example, they can use mobile apps to provide immediate feedback on an employee’s performance. They can also use social media and other online tools to connect with their employees and provide them with feedback and support.

Flexibility and Work-Life Balance

Flexibility and work-life balance are important to Generation Z workers. They want to work for a company that values their time and allows them to balance their work and personal life. They also want to have flexibility in terms of where and when they work.

We can offer flexibility and work-life balance by providing remote work options, flexible work hours, and paid time off. They can also create policies that support work-life balance, such as a no-email policy after work hours or a policy that allows employees to take mental health days.

By offering flexibility and work-life balance, companies can show Generation Z workers that they value their time and their personal life. This can lead to higher job satisfaction, higher productivity, and higher retention rates.

Employee Coaching

To further attract and retain Generation Z workers, companies can incorporate employee coaching and creative team collaboration into their recruitment and retention strategies.

Generation Z workers value opportunities for growth and development. They want to work for companies that are committed to helping them achieve their career goals. One way companies can demonstrate this commitment is by offering employee coaching.

Employee coaching involves one-on-one sessions with a coach or mentor who provides guidance and support to help employees achieve their professional goals. The coach can help employees identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and develop a plan to achieve them. Employee coaching can be especially effective for Generation Z workers who are looking for leadership, teamwork, and management training.

If this is an area that you feel you need assistance with, please reach out to me for a consultation. There may be a generation gap, but it doesn't need to be as big as it feels. #coaching, #GenZ #leadership #staffing

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